Regular or occasional assessment

Most companies or organizations have regular or irregular employee evaluations. Some are evaluated once a quarter, some are evaluated every six months, and some may be evaluated once a year. Some are even evaluated at any time according to the needs.

Some of these companies use peer reviews, others use supervisors to evaluate subordinates, and some use employees to conduct self-evaluations. Regardless of the type of evaluation, it means that the company or organization understands that the improvement of team strength starts with the improvement of the quality of members. Most people tend to become slack after a period of comfortable time. Regular or occasional peer assessments can help employees to better understand their own strengths and weaknesses.

In TeamPeerReview you can find many questions suitable for regular or irregular review to perform peer review missions, such as professional capability, team spirit, and so on. Of course, you can also customize some appropriate questions according to your industry or work content to perform peer review missions.

If your company is using peer review or is about to use peer review, the tools provided by TeamPeerReview will help you to complete the mission.